Preventive medical examination

The preventive medical examination serves two purposes:

  1. prevention of health risk factors (primary prevention).
  2. early detection of diseases (secondary prevention).

Firstly, it aims to prevent diseases by identifying and reducing health risks in an early stage. Secondly, it seeks to improve chances of recovery.

The examination program for preventive medical examination focuses on the early detection and prevention of specific diseases. The program includes:

  • early detection of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: a personalized risk profile for cardiovascular system diseases is established during the preventive medical examination. This involves assessing lifestyle habits (such as smoking or alcohol consumption) in relation to physical and internal values like weight or blood pressure.

  • early detection of risk factors for metabolic diseases: screening for diabetes mellitus is a crucial component of the preventive medical examination. To assess diabetes risk, the doctor reviews the medical history and asks about cases of diabetes in the family. Diseases associated with high or low blood sugar levels can be diagnosed through blood sugar measurement.

  • early detection of common cancer: cancer is the second leading cause of death in Austria. Early detection of cancer enables the use of treatment methods that are less burdensome than those for advanced cancer.
    • cervical cancer: a pap smear (cervical screening) is recommended for women starting from the age of 18 during the preventive medical examination.
    • breast cancer: all women between the ages of 45 and 69, residing in Austria and insured with a participating social insurance provider, can undergo mammography screening every 24 months using only their e-card for identification.
    • colorectal cancer: as part of the preventive medical examination, a "fecal occult blood test" (test for hidden, non-visible blood in the stool) is offered from the age of 50, and a preventive colonoscopy every ten years.

  • prevention of addiction: the examination program places a special emphasis on the prevention of addiction. This involves assessing the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and medications, as well as providing support and assistance for addiction cessation.

  • prevention of periodontal diseases: periodontitis (bacterial gum disease) is considered the biggest risk factor for tooth loss from the age of 30 onwards. 70 percent of tooth losses are caused by chronic periodontitis. The disease often progresses painlessly and therefore frequently goes unnoticed. The goal is to recognize the risk of periodontitis and, through suitable prevention, to slow down or stop the course of the disease.

  • prevention of age-related diseases: for individuals over the age of 65, the preventive medical examination places increased emphasis on hearing and vision. Nearly one-third of those over 65 suffer from hearing impairment or visual impairment. Declining hearing is often not recognized in time by many people.